
Internationaler Mietertag

Internationaler Mietertag

3. Oktober Internationaler Mietertag in Brüssel

Der in englischer Sprache stattfindende internationale Mietertag in Brüssel hat sich in diesem Jahr als Schwerpunkthema die Wohnsituation junger Menschen ausgesucht. Mehr Informationen und die Möglichkeit sich online anzumelden finden Sie direkt unter: www.iut.nu



International Tenants` Day/UN World Habitat Day - Affordable Rental Housing for the Young- Make it Happen Now!

Location: B-1040 Brussels, Committee of the Regions (CoR) Rue Belliard 99-101, Room JDE 51, 9.30 – 17.00 h


On the occasion of the International Tenants´ Day/World Habitat Day, October the 3rd, the International Union of Tenants will convene a conference in the Committee of the Regions on theme Affordable Rental Housing for the Young. The event will focus on the access of the young population in the housing market since one of the biggest problem in EU today. Young people are increasingly squeezed out of the housing market; affordable housing in both the private and social rented sector is in short supply and buying a home is out of reach of many.


Here the summary of the congress.


Iut Congress Plenum

Members of the IUT from all over Europe discussing the situation of housing for young people in the conference in Brussels.